ProStructures CONNECT Edition Setup Guide - ProjectWise Managed Configuration

Create new "Global" level CSB called PSCE_Global_Config_Variables

  1. In ProjectWise Administrator, under WorkSpaces > Managed > Global right-click over the Global Level and select New > Configuration Block.
  2. In the New Configuration Block Properties, enter the name PSCE_Global_Config_Variables and the description Global Variables ProStructures CONNECT Edition. Once complete, click Apply.

    The dialog title will change to PSCE_Global_Config_Variables Properties.

  3. Add the following variables and/or directives:

    Add Variable to the PSCE_Global_Config_Variables CSB

    Description Display All Configuration Variables (_USTN_DISPLAYALLCFGVARS)
    Add Value Operation Type: '='- Assignment

    Value Type: String

    Value: 1
    Locked YES
    Note: _USTN_DISPLAYALLCFGVARS displays all system level configuration variable and is useful for Administrators during certification and debugging.